Planet Antares Vending | Planet Antares

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Advantages of Planet Antares Vending Machines

A lot of controversy was spread in terms of locating vending machines in schools. It was felt that products dispensed through vending machines were the prime causes for growing obesity among school going children. The most preferred vending location for operators across the globe has always been schools. However, this accuse has changed the entire scenario.

Government, schools and parents have imposed strict restrictions on vending machines that are being installed in schools. School management has been trying to inculcate healthy eating habits among children and in order to achieve this; they have replaced junk food with more natural and healthy diet. This has lead to evolution of latest and most popular concept i.e. healthy vending.

Besides the regular advantages of vending machines to its operators, there are few benefits associated with its users. Some of these are:

• Schools and businesses can have complete control over the kind of items that are being offered in their premises.

• Planet Antares machines are of great benefit to those families where both partners are employees. These machines allow customers to get quick snacks without interrupting their work schedule.

• The overhead and maintenance costs of this machine are minimal when compared to many other businesses.

• Latest technology is a boon in disguise to vending industry. Technological advancements allow operators to serve food either hot or cold. For instance: some vending machines are able to vend hot miniature pizzas while others are capable of dispensing frozen ice creams.

• In good olden days vending machines were restricted to dispensing selected items. However, this is not the present situation. These machines are not just limited to vending food items. Some of these machines are even capable of selling DVD’s, cell phones and insurance policies.

So, if you are a vending operator, you can choose a perfect machine based on your target audience, the product you would like to dispense, your vending location and most importantly your financial limitations.

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